Quality Policy

- Enthusiastic efforts to achieve 100% customer satisfaction
- Continuous improvement of quality control
- Compliance with laws and regulations
- Further improvement of existing technologies
- Continue to pursue and challenge the next generation of technology
Genesis Commerce Co., Ltd
Basic Information Security Policy

Genesis Commerce Co., Ltd is deeply aware of the importance of protecting the information assets
that we handle, including customer information assets, for the establishment of an information security management system as a mechanism to achieve
this goal, we have formulated an information security policy that serves as the foundation.
All parties involved in the business of us shall comply with the rules of this information security
management system, implement, and maintain it, audit its operation status,
and strive to continuously improve the system.
- 1.Approaches to Information Security
- Our company recognizes that ensuring information security is one of the most important management issues and a corporate social responsibility, and every person involved in our company's operations is committed to it.
- 2.Information Security Policy
- In establishing an information security management system for the purpose of protecting information assets,
we have formulated an information security policy that serves as the basis for the system,
and we will comply with this policy and continuously review and improve its contents.
- 3.Protection of information assets
- In establishing an information security management system for the purpose of protecting information assets,
we have formulated an information security policy that serves as the basis for the system,
and we will comply with this policy and continuously review and improve its contents.
- 4.Compliance with laws and regulations
- We will comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and contractual requirements to achieve information security.
- 5.Education and Training
- We will provide education and training to raise the awareness of information security among those involved in our operations and to ensure that our information security policies are fully understood.
- 6.Prevention and response to information security accidents
- By operating the information security management system,
each one of us shall strive to prevent the occurrence of information security accidents.
In the unlikely event that an accident should occur, we will promptly take appropriate measures,
including measures to prevent recurrence.
- 7.Audit
- We will periodically audit the operation of our information security management system
and take measures to improve it as necessary to ensure information security.
- 8.Continuous improvement
- We shall set information security objectives every year, define and plan activities to achieve the objectives, review the results of implementation, and set information security objectives for the following year. In addition,
we will periodically evaluate and review the basic policy on information security and related internal regulations and management systems to continuously improve information security.
Genesis Commerce Co., Ltd